
Yes! Fresh news. The first Ecuadorean soccer team to have their own plane for their own transportation with their own colors! Barcelona from Guayaquil, Ecuador launched the first Soccer TeamAirplane in Ecuador and one of the firsts in South America. Seen here in its first flight for their first soccer match, performing a low fly by before landing. Great job for Icaro Air, to be the airline who made this possible, and to the organizers from Barcelona And Icaro.


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Photo Date

Jan 23, 2007


Feb 10, 2008




Yes! Fresh news. The first Ecuadorean soccer team to have their own plane for their own transportation with their own colors! Barcelona from Guayaquil, Ecuador launched the first Soccer TeamAirplane in Ecuador and one of the firsts in South America. Seen here in its first flight for their first soccer match, performing a low fly by before landing. Great job for Icaro Air, to be the airline who made this possible, and to the organizers from Barcelona And Icaro.


Canon 400D Show Exif data
Contact photographer for terms of use.


Robert Suller

Beautiful photo but awful plane!!!