
Looking somewhat insignificant against a back-drop of magnificent towering cumulus.


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Looking somewhat insignificant against a back-drop of magnificent towering cumulus.


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Scary background!


This is a great shot - I want to stand back from it to look at it properly! It's one of those pictures that looks MASSIVE! I guess as AC are so large and yet dwarfed by it's surroundings. I really like the contrast in the clouds showing such definition and 3 dimensions, and then the flash of bright clean colour from the plane. The AC looks so small in comparisons to the massive clouds! In a way it's the opposite of other pictures Steve takes, because other shots show the impact of the AC on the air and environment, but this almost feels like it's the environment impacting on the plane and it's picking it's way through the turbulence! Great catch yet again Mr Morris!


Of the thousand pictures you make one stands out, this is one of them.