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Sturgis, South Dakota
Spotter group:
Pilot and A&P
I started with American Eagle in Knoxville, TN, on 11/28/88, with AMR Corp/American Airlines. Our paychecks were printed on stock that said "American Airlines". Not sure if anyone else remembers that. We had Metro II and Metro III aircraft, many from Air Virginia, Nashville Eagle, Air Midwest, and others. We started getting brand-new BAE3201 Jetstreams in the early 90's, with N841AE as our first delivery. They went through N931AE (?) We also received the SAAB 340B at about the same time as the Jetstreams, and our first SAAB was N174AE. We got 53 SAAB's and 48 Jetstreams. I moved to Nashville, TN, in 1992, as our mx base in Knoxville closed. My transfer took me to the Engine Overhaul shop first on the field at KBNA, and then later, to Smyrna, TN, on the Air National Guard field. That lasted until 1996, when it was clear that we were all going to be furloughed. I left American and went to the new Corporate Express Airlines, or CorpEx, which operated mostly our old BAE3201 Jetstreams under a new livery. CorpExpress was frought with problems, and after some time with them, went to Smyrna Air Center, Smyrna, TN, to work with Kirk Brock, Loren F. Ropp, and Kevin McWhorter (?) and a great crew there! for a couple of years. Life then took me to Goldsboro, NC, working at ISO Aero in Kinston, NC. I'll never forget Ricky, Buddy, Stuart, and our wonderful boss, Reuben Edwards. Memories there, that will last a life-time, including flying over the NC coast, surveying loggerhead sea turtle nests! Trying to get closer to home, I worked for Big Sky Airlines, in Billings, MT, on our old Fairchild Metro III aircraft. It was wonderful to see them again! A great crew of hard-working people made up that airline in 1999 - thanks Steve! Black Hills Aero was my next stop, working for Ted Miller, in Spearfish, SD. After that job, I pursued a career in Pharmacy and worked as a medic on an ambulance service. I acquired my teaching degree, and taught chemistry and biology to high school students. Now, I'm back in aviation again, this time as a builder of the larger breed of experimental aircraft. Hopefully, I will be able to soon post some pics of the plane that I will fly to Air Venture at Oshkosh in the next couple of years!

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